
The primary objectives of CAHFSA are  to -

  1. establish an effective regime of sanitary and phytosanitary measures pursuant to Article 57(1)( k) of the Treaty, in support of the goals of the Community Agriculture Policy as set out in Article 56 of the Treaty;
  2. provide regional and national support to the Community in the establishment,  management  and  operations  of  their  national agricultural health and food safety systems as they relate  to  the sanitary  and  phytosanitary  measures  of  the  SPS  Agreement;   and
  3. execute on behalf of those countries such actions  and  activities that can be more effectively and efficiently executed through a regional mechanism.


  1. facilitate the development and  use  of  regional,  as  well  as international  standards,   measures   and  guide lines;
  2. facilitate the harmonisation of technical procedures in relation to matters such as Good Agricultural Practices (GAP's), Good Manufacturing  Practices  (GMP's),  Hazard  Analysis  Critical Control Point (HACCP), quarantine systems and surveillance and good  laboratory  practices and services;
  3. provide a framework for the -
    continuous    monitoring  and  evaluation    of  national  and regional agricultural health and food safety programmes;
    conduct of tests; and
    provision  of technical  support  directed  at strengthening the respective programmes ;
  4. provide a framework for the identification and definition of the human and  financial resource requirements of national  health and food safety systems,
    and the determination and execution of strategies to address deficiencies, including the training of personnel and the mobilisation of funds;
  5. provide a mechanism for achieving regional consensus on sanitary and phytosanitary issues that can be represented in international fora;
  6. provide a mechanism for the coordination and integration of technical support to stakeholders by relevant regional and international organisations;
  7. provide an effective mechanism for partnership in the efficient use of human and financial resources and infrastructure, including laboratory services, in protecting human, plant and animal health;
  8. provide an effective mechanism to respond rapidly to emergencies and emerging issues;
  9. strengthen the policy and legal framework for sanitary and phytosanitary issues; and
  10. provide a framework for communicating changes in sanitary and phytosanitary measures with a v iew to ensuring transparency and compliance by Contracting Parties in a timely manner.